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Text File | 1997-04-03 | 3.2 KB | 86 lines | [ttro/ttxt] |
- ================================================================
- Title : Pyro4 - The Awakening
- Filename : Pyro4.BSP
- Author : Dean Scott
- Email Address : pyro@trader.com
- Description : Well here is map #4. Hopefully you will see
- many improvements over the last couple maps,
- mainly the map is harder and has different
- difficulty settings.
- Unfortunatly I was unable to include in this map
- the level of details as I would have liked
- or that I have in previous maps.
- This is due to the brush limit (around 1400)
- of the quake engine. If any of the guys from
- ID Software are reading this, how about increaseing
- the max brushes to about 5000? (Gee I don't
- ask for much do I)
- The name of the map "The Awakening" has a
- dual meaning, first I used new and more
- complex entities than I did in other maps and
- secondly, my baby girl "Lilly Renae" was born
- dureing the time I was makeing this map. (Proud
- daddy plug there ) :)
- Clan Info : I'm not assocaiated with any Quake Clan
- as of yet but if you want to deathmatch
- me, check out sm.iquest.net
- Also, if there is a group out there working
- on a TC or CTF level and need a level author,
- drop me a e-mail.
- Additional Credits to : ID Software, for Quake
- QBSP Win32 console-mode binaries.
- Quest v0.92 (Excellant Editor)
- Microsoft edit program
- Pepsicola Corp for the Mt. Dew
- IPL for the electricity
- Intel for the Pentium Chip
- My co-workers for politely nodding their heads
- when I would explain to them my Quake building
- ================================================================
- * Play Information *
- Level Name : Pyro4
- Single Player : Yes
- Cooperative 2-4 Player : No (Boreing)
- Deathmatch 1-4 Player : Yes
- Difficulty Settings : Yes
- * Construction *
- Base : New level from scratch.
- Build Time : Basic Building - 1 1/2 months
- Entity Placement - 1 week
- Texture Alignment- 1 week
- BSP Creation Time : 7 hrs on a P133 with 32 meg
- Custom Graphics : Just 2 (Look at the crate in the beginning)
- Editor(s) used : Quest v0.93 (Modified slightly by me)
- Microsoft Edit
- Paintshop Pro (for the graphics)
- Known Bugs : I didn't see any this time ( whew )
- * Legal Stuff *
- You may distribute and modify this level, as long as you include my
- text file and give me credit. If you plan on distributing this map on
- a CD Collection you _MUST_ contact me first for my approval and a
- complimentary copy of the CD would be nice too :) . The exception still
- holds true for Actura software that anyone associated with Actura Software
- may not do anything at all with this level. (Gee what happened to that
- company....are they now selling software for Commodore 64's)
- * Where to get this MAP *
- Well Duh...If you can't figure that one out then how the hell did you
- learn to breathe?